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Salmon, Quinoa and Corn Congee with Broccoli

Chinese congee (rice soup) is a dish often eaten as a late supper – satisfying and light at the same time, as it is such a healthy meal full of nutrients and warms the soul for a peaceful sleep. Here is a great version with Quinoa replacing the rice, and the touch of coconut cream highlights the flavours of the corn and salmon so well, and mellows the dish into a comforting and delicious meal. So quick to prepare, fast cooking times and easily adjusted to serve 2, 4 or more.

"I use it [Quinoa] often in my cooking particularly in salads, casseroles and congees. I first discovered this grain when I was living in Toronto 8 years ago, and working at a wonderful and delicious vegan restaurant called Fressen . The Canadian also gave me insight on how to pronounce this grain Keen–Wah, this is how I have always said it and often I hear people call it Quin-oa! This dish is high in minerals and essential fatty acids and a very nutritional meal for the sick" - Belinda Randell.

Pictured: Salmon, Quinoa and Corn Congee with Broccoli

4 pieces salmon, skinned and cut into small cubes
1 corn cob, de-husked and kernels removed
1 cup coconut milk (Belinda recommends "Spiral" brand)
1 cup white quinoa
2 cups dashi or fish stock
Half bunch parsley, chopped
1 leek, white part sliced finely - or 2 green onions
1 tbsp coconut oil - or light olive oil
1 broccoli floret, cut into pieces

Place oil in a saucepan with leek and gently sauté for a few minutes until soft.
Add corn kernels and gently fry for 5 minutes.
Pour in stock and coconut milk, then add quinoa and cook for 15 minutes on a simmer , when the Quinoa is ready it will have a spiral in which it looks like a small coil, when you see this add the salmon for 5 minutes.

If the chowder needs more liquid add some water.

In a separate pot steam the broccoli. 

Lastly, stir fresh parsley through the chowder and serve in a bowl with the steamed broccoli.

This dish can be frozen and re-heated.

Serves 4

Tastetip - "Quinoa is native to the Andes and the Incas revered it as their mother grain. This grain is a plant and because of the extreme climate in South America it is very hardy and can grow in the most extreme weather conditions. In Australia we have been getting four colours of this grain red, white brown and black. They look gorgeous if you use all four together. The colours all hold equal nutritional value.
Quinoa is considered a high energy grain and because it is so easy to digest and wheat, gluten free it's ideal for allergies and special diets. Its energetic properties are warm and drying and it is strengthening for the kidneys. It also contains more protein than any other grain; it is a complete protein with an essential amino acid profile that has been compared to mother’s milk. Mineral wise it is high in B vitamins, iron and phosphorous. It cooks very quickly and the best way I have found to prepare it is 1 cup grain to 1 cup water (or chicken stock is delicious)."- Belinda Randell from "The Organic Cook" -

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