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White Chocolate Tiramisu

This is divine and so easy! Tiramisu is a favourite of mine as you can make it ahead of time and it is one of the best desserts around – win, win! I am a guilty fan of white chocolate so this combines most of my favourite things for a dessert in one. A great recipe for a dinner party.

Pictured: White Chocolate Tiramisu

120g white chocolate, roughly chopped
50ml single cream
1 tsp vanilla essence
500g thickened cream
12 Amaretti* biscuits – or any almond flavoured, crunchy biscuits. Otherwise substitute with a plain crunchy biscuit and add Amaretto to the Kahlua.
2 – 3 tbsp espresso coffee
3 tsp Kahlua (include Amaretto if required as mentioned above)

Combine the chocolate, single cream and vanilla essence in a heat proof bowl and melt slowly over simmering water – do not let the steam touch the bowl as it will be too hot.

Whisk the thickened cream to soft peaks. Fold a little of the whipped cream in the chocolate mix to loosen it a little then fold the chocolate mix gently into the cream until just combined.

Crumb 10 of the biscuits and layer into the bottom of six 1 cup capacity ramekins, or any little dishes or tea cups you like.
Mix the liqueur and the coffee together and sprinkle over the biscuits evenly.

Pour the chocolate mousse over and cover all with plastic wrap to chill for at least ½ hour or until required – can even last for a few days.

To serve – crumble the remaining biscuits over and if necessary drizzle with a little more Amaretto if the biscuits are plain.

Serves 6

*Amaretti biscuits can be found in Norton Street Grocer and other delis that stock Italian produce.